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Art People Plus Library

Monday 21 May 2012

Monday 14 May 2012

Academy Malmø part 1.

Tiril Hasselknippe "Couches"
One of the cool objects that I came across at the open house party at the academy in Malmö

Saturday 28 April 2012


Opening night at Copenhagen Ceramics Group show by Inhabitants the exhibition is called "Bestillinger" which translates to something like orders.
Each member of the group gave the others a task to make a cake platter inspired by a story they had written.
The always brilliant Ole Vesterlund is part of the group.

Monday 16 April 2012

Mr. Sorensen

I choose this as my favorite piece of art for the moment I am after all Mr.Sorensen

Monday 2 April 2012

STUDIO Art Break: Perth Festival 2012 - Super Night Shot

The Gob Squad bring their special blend of documentary and theatre sports to Perth. Armed with four cameras and filming in real time, the Squad hit the streets an hour before screening, and create a feature film using passers-by as the cast.